Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When science get's "Wicked Cool" - DSN

From personal experience we can attest that deep water baiting either by submersible, or by remote camera is probably one of the most surreal experiences a human can have.

There are "things" in the deep ocean that boggle the imagination and raise the normal oceanic cool factor to 11.

So pay heed divers, ocean lovers, and those that like the things that go "bump in the night" because as the guys over at the Deep Sea News blog tell it - your world is going to get rocked August 14th:

The Eye-in-the-Sea camera will be freshly baited with a frozen sea lion carcass in a camera deployment set for August 14th, in the deep Monterey Canyon. Mark your calendars and tune in to the Ocean Research Conservation Organization (ORCA) website for updates on the event. The ever fascinating Dr. Edie Widder, the ORCA President, will be your host.

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